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Legacy Systems and IAM

By Thanasis Mandaltsis -

Read Time: 2 Minute(s)

Integration Challenges with Legacy Systems in Modern IAM

Enterprises and scaleups that have accumulated multiple internal and client facing legacy systems face huge complexities integrating modern Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions. That leads to successful implementations taking months or even years.

Many times, modern IAM platforms are not providing the necessary flexibility to connect these disparate systems. This leads to companies having to create additional workarounds costing them more money and time.

Understanding the Integration Hurdles

Legacy systems often operate with outdated protocols and may not support the advanced security features of modern IAM solutions. This discrepancy can lead to:

  • Compatibility Issues: Disparate systems may struggle to communicate, leading to functional gaps.

  • Data Silos: Legacy systems can create isolated data stores that hinder unified access control.

  • Maintenance Strain: Older systems require substantial upkeep, which can drain resources.

Bridging the Gap by Innovating the Systems of Reference and Systems of Record

From our previous work at Onfido and Decentralized ID, as well as iterations through collaboration with enterprises and scaleups in the last 6 months, the Magic platform has emerged to help enterprises look at Systems of Reference and Systems of Record in an entirely new way.

Magic IDs are globally addressable, like thanasis.once.id, anyone can reach them and should they know how, ask for required data from every ID. That removes data silos and compatibility issues.

Every Magic ID is its own backend. That way, authorizations and access controls happen at the individual identity level and in the future, a personal AI will also run directly via every ID. That gives more control to the users of the IDs and guarantees compliance with data regulations for organizations.

Rolling out Magic IDs doesn’t need to substitute existing logins for minimum business disruption and easier testing before enterprises commit to large projects and contracts. Integration to a website or app can be as fast as 3 lines of code. That reduces the experimentation cost and open up routes for practical innovation within organizations.

Future-Proofing Through Integration

Ultimately, the goal is to future-proof businesses by ensuring their IAM systems can evolve. Modern IAM technologies not only bring enhanced security but also improve operational agility, allowing businesses to adapt quickly to the ever-changing digital landscape.

By carefully planning the integration and leveraging tools designed to minimize disruption, businesses can bring their legacy systems into the modern era of security and identity management without sacrificing day-to-day operations.