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5 FAQs about Magic ID

By Thanasis Mandaltsis -

Read Time: 1 Minute(s)

Welcome to our blog! In today’s video, we’re excited to feature a special Q&A session with our founder, Thanasis.

Join us as we answer 5 frequently asked questions from the market around why Magic started, what problems it's addressing, and the journey that led to its creation. From identifying a gap in the market to the passion that fuels our mission, Thanasis will answer five key questions that illuminate the heart and soul of our company.

Whether you’re a potential customer, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply curious about our story, this is a fantastic opportunity to gain insight into our vision and values. Let’s dive in!

If you want to learn more about how we're helping our partners increase conversion success rates with embedded identity solutions, you can book a no-strings-attached consultation here: https://calendar.app.google/qACcCJ2kEqBHciSv6